Feb 8, 2010

Mary's Mission Trip to India

When my younger sister Mary told me she was thinking of doing a medical mission trip to India my first thought was "Wow... what an experience that would be". I never really thought she would go. That is such a brave and unselfish thing to do. Well things fell into place for her and she was able to go. I know this will change her life forever. We are all very proud of her. Please follow her and Lauren as the embark on this unforgettable journey through India. You can become a follower on their blog. Leave a comment. They love hearing from people back home. Their stories are amazing and the pictures look like something out of National Geographic.

1 comment:

Lauren Webb said...

Aww, Amanda! Thats so sweet to write that for Moo and I...we miss you guys!! She is going to try and skpe you later, my laptop died! Talk soon!!